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The use of natural materials in jewellery (Использование натуральных материалов в ювелирных украшениях)

  • 43 страниц
  • 2013 год
  • 283 просмотра
  • 0 покупок
Автор работы


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Фрагменты работ

The use of natural materials in jewellery
(Использование натуральных материалов в ювелирных украшениях)

Part I. The history of natural jewellery and its contemporary condition
Traditions of manufacturing the jewellery from natural materials
The jewellery development in 20th century
Modern jewellery trends
Cutting-edge exibitions
Part II. Problems of usage natural materials in jewellery and possible solutions
Life of diamonds, the kings of jewellery
Problems connected with the diamonds’ mining
The Kimberley Process
Gemstone industry and environmental problems
Protecting corals
Usage of ivory in modern jewellery
The Madison Dialogue as a regulation instrument
The contemporary top-jewelers of the world
Melissa Joy Manning
Anthony Roussel
Sebastian Buescher

1.Amanda Mansell , Adorn New Jewellery, Laurence King Ltd, 2008.
2.Bates, Rob. The Quest for Fair Trade Diamonds. JCK April 2008: 60-64.
3.Beth Legg, Jewellery from Natural Materials, A & C Black Publishers Ltd, 2008.
4.Bradford E.D.S., Contemporary Jewellery and Silver Design, Heywood & Co, 1950.
5.Bryan Morton (Ed), The Preservation of Species: The Value of Biologic Diversity, Princeton University Press, 1986
6.Bryan Morton, Why Preserve Natural Variety?, 1987
7.Cartlidge, Barbara, Twentieth-Century Jewelry, Abrams, 1985.
8.Chuck Evans, Contemporary Design and Technique, Davis Publications Inc., U.S., 1983.
9.Cynthia Moss, Elephant Memories, William Morrow & Co., 1988
10.D. J. Decker and G.R. Goff (eds), Valuing Wildlife: Economic and social Perspectives, Westview Press, 1987.
11.Eugene Linden, “Last Stand for Africa’s Elephants,” Time, Feb. 20, 1987.
12.Hodjash S.I. Ancient Egyptian jewellery, Moscow, 2001.
13.Hughes Graham, A pictorial history of gems & jewellery, Oxford, 1978.
14.Hughes Graham, Modern Jewelry, Crown Publishers, 1963.
15.Keith A. Lewis Ethics of materials. Metalsmith, 1989.
16.Lindsay Van Gelder, “It’s Not Nice to Mess with Mother Nature,” Ms., Jan/Feb 1989.
17.Maria Di Spirito, Designs for Beaded Jewellery Using Natural Materials, English translation copyright Search Press Limited, 2006.
18.Mary Battiata, “Poaching of Wildlife Called ‘Out of Control’” The Washington Post, November 3, 1998.
19.Peter Dormer and Ralph Turner, The New Jewelry, Thames and Hudson, 1985.
20.Philip Shabecoff, “Urgent Call from Wild to Boycott Ivory,” The New York Times, November 3, 1988.
21.R. L. DiSilvestro, “U.S. Demand for Carved Ivory Hastens African Elephants’ End,” Audubon, may 1988.
22.Ralph Turner , Contemporary Jewelry, Van Nostrand Reinhold Co, 1976.
23.Roskin, Gary. Clear-Conscience Color. JCK April 2008: 66-70.
24.Shuster, William George. Cleaning up the Mines. JCK April 2008: 72-76.
25.Susan Griffin, Women & Nature: The Roaring Inside Her, Harper and Row, 1978.

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Фрагменты работ

The use of natural materials in jewellery
(Использование натуральных материалов в ювелирных украшениях)

Part I. The history of natural jewellery and its contemporary condition
Traditions of manufacturing the jewellery from natural materials
The jewellery development in 20th century
Modern jewellery trends
Cutting-edge exibitions
Part II. Problems of usage natural materials in jewellery and possible solutions
Life of diamonds, the kings of jewellery
Problems connected with the diamonds’ mining
The Kimberley Process
Gemstone industry and environmental problems
Protecting corals
Usage of ivory in modern jewellery
The Madison Dialogue as a regulation instrument
The contemporary top-jewelers of the world
Melissa Joy Manning
Anthony Roussel
Sebastian Buescher

1.Amanda Mansell , Adorn New Jewellery, Laurence King Ltd, 2008.
2.Bates, Rob. The Quest for Fair Trade Diamonds. JCK April 2008: 60-64.
3.Beth Legg, Jewellery from Natural Materials, A & C Black Publishers Ltd, 2008.
4.Bradford E.D.S., Contemporary Jewellery and Silver Design, Heywood & Co, 1950.
5.Bryan Morton (Ed), The Preservation of Species: The Value of Biologic Diversity, Princeton University Press, 1986
6.Bryan Morton, Why Preserve Natural Variety?, 1987
7.Cartlidge, Barbara, Twentieth-Century Jewelry, Abrams, 1985.
8.Chuck Evans, Contemporary Design and Technique, Davis Publications Inc., U.S., 1983.
9.Cynthia Moss, Elephant Memories, William Morrow & Co., 1988
10.D. J. Decker and G.R. Goff (eds), Valuing Wildlife: Economic and social Perspectives, Westview Press, 1987.
11.Eugene Linden, “Last Stand for Africa’s Elephants,” Time, Feb. 20, 1987.
12.Hodjash S.I. Ancient Egyptian jewellery, Moscow, 2001.
13.Hughes Graham, A pictorial history of gems & jewellery, Oxford, 1978.
14.Hughes Graham, Modern Jewelry, Crown Publishers, 1963.
15.Keith A. Lewis Ethics of materials. Metalsmith, 1989.
16.Lindsay Van Gelder, “It’s Not Nice to Mess with Mother Nature,” Ms., Jan/Feb 1989.
17.Maria Di Spirito, Designs for Beaded Jewellery Using Natural Materials, English translation copyright Search Press Limited, 2006.
18.Mary Battiata, “Poaching of Wildlife Called ‘Out of Control’” The Washington Post, November 3, 1998.
19.Peter Dormer and Ralph Turner, The New Jewelry, Thames and Hudson, 1985.
20.Philip Shabecoff, “Urgent Call from Wild to Boycott Ivory,” The New York Times, November 3, 1988.
21.R. L. DiSilvestro, “U.S. Demand for Carved Ivory Hastens African Elephants’ End,” Audubon, may 1988.
22.Ralph Turner , Contemporary Jewelry, Van Nostrand Reinhold Co, 1976.
23.Roskin, Gary. Clear-Conscience Color. JCK April 2008: 66-70.
24.Shuster, William George. Cleaning up the Mines. JCK April 2008: 72-76.
25.Susan Griffin, Women & Nature: The Roaring Inside Her, Harper and Row, 1978.

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The use of natural materials in jewellery (Использование натуральных материалов в ювелирных украшениях)

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Отзыв Mizhgan42 об авторе EkaterinaKonstantinovna 2014-07-11
Дипломная работа

Работа выполнена качественно и буквально за считанные дни. Анна - настоящий талант. Человек, целиком и полностью посвятивший себя науке. Регулярно появляется онлайн, производит все необходимые доработки вплоть до защиты. И самое главное - выполняет работу с неподдельным интересом. Мне крупно повезло работать с таким профессионалом. Огромное Вам спасибо!

Общая оценка 5
Отзыв Алексей Михайлов об авторе EkaterinaKonstantinovna 2018-07-30
Дипломная работа


Общая оценка 5
Отзыв valkirya32 об авторе EkaterinaKonstantinovna 2017-01-22
Дипломная работа

Отлично выполнена работа, корректировки все вносились без задержек, всегда на связи. Рекомендую всем. Цена-качество-время написания - все на отлично!

Общая оценка 5
Отзыв Ирина15 об авторе EkaterinaKonstantinovna 2017-06-06
Дипломная работа

Елена написала хорошую первую главу, было много корректировок и все чётко выполнялось, работой довольна. Спасибо большое!)

Общая оценка 5

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