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«The role of rumors in the management of hotel personnel»

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Фрагменты работ

In any organization, there are two types of communication — formal and informal. Formal communication is used to transmit messages that are recognized as official in the organization. These messages are most often written and transmitted through vertical channels. However, among all types of intra-organizational communications, informal relationships occupy a special place. These include myths, legends, traditions, rituals, and rumors.
Formal and informal communication in the organization are interrelated and complement each other. The more strictly formal channels are controlled, the more intensively informal channels develop. Therefore, it is impossible to ban or eliminate rumors in principle, since any organization has had, has and will continue to have rumors, and this is a normal internal practice.
Therefore, the relevance of this study is that the role of the HR Manager and the entire HR Department in managing informal communications and rumors within the organization is extremely important. Effective management of rumors in the structures of any organization, as well as in a hotel enterprise, will contribute to creating an effective corporate culture, increasing the competitiveness of the organization, but requires special efforts and the use of adequate tools to prevent rumors and mitigate their consequences in the workplace.

Chapter 1. The essence of rumors in HR management 5
1.1The concept and types of rumors 5
1.2 The process of spreading rumors and their consequences in the organization 8
1.3 The functions of rumors and their effects on organizations 13
Chapter 2. The analysis of intra-organizational situations leading to rumors within the hotel enterprise and the role of the HR management 18
2.1 HR management of rumors about appointments to senior positions in hotel companies 18
2.2 Reduction rumors HR management in times of economic hardship and crisis 21
2.3 HR management through Covid-19 rumors 24
Chapter 3. The role of rumors in the personnel management of the hotel enterprise 28
3.1 Human resources management of rumors in the hotel enterprise 28
3.2 Methods of rumor prevention in the management of hotel staff 30
3.3 Recommendations for dealing with rumors among hotel staff 33
References 39
Annex 42

The paper discusses the nature and types of rumors, the process of spreading rumors and their consequences in the organization, the functions of rumors and their effects on the organization. In addition, an analysis of the management of rumors about the replacement of senior positions, about the crisis and reduction, about covid-19 is being carried out. The role of rumors in the management of a hotel enterprise, preventive methods of spreading rumors and recommendations for dealing with rumors are also considered.

ed. and add., Intro. effective from 13.08.2020) The labor code Article 41. Content and structure of the collective agreement
2. "The labor code of the Russian Federation" of 30.12.2001 N 197-FZ (ed. of 31.07.2020) (with ed. and add., Intro. effective from 13.08.2020) The labor code Article 180. Guarantees and compensation to employees in case of liquidation of the organization, reduction of the number or staff of employees of the organization
3. MP guidelines 3.1/2.1.0193-20"recommendations for the prevention of new coronavirus infection (COVID-19) in institutions that provide temporary accommodation (hotels and other accommodation facilities)"(approved by the Federal service for supervision of consumer rights protection and human welfare on June 4, 2020)
4. Borisova, E. G. fundamentals of rumorology. Theory and practice of rumor management [Electronic resource]: Textbook for master's / C. A. Vasilenko, E. G. Borisova. — №3.— Moscow : FLINT, 2019. - P.70-105. — ISBN 978-5-9765-1913-8. — Access Mode: https://rucont.ru/efd/713470 (accessed: 15.10.2020)
5. Ignatyuk, N. A. The Rumors. Management technologies / N. A. Ignatyuk — "Justicinform". – 2018. – P.33-36.- ISBN 978-5-7205-1487-7
6. Lukyanova, T. V., Yurtseva S. I., Konovalova V. G. Personnel Management: theory and practice/ Management of innovations in personnel work: educational and practical guide/ T. V., Lukyanova, S. I., Yartseva, V. G. Konovalova/ ed. by A. Ya. Kibanov. M: The Prospect. - 2018. – P.265
7. Panteleev, A. F. Psychological aspects of rumors and gossips: Student’s Manual / A. F. Panteleev. - Saratov, 2014. – P.32-34.
8. Riley, M. Personnel management in hospitality: Textbook for University students studying in the specialty "Personnel management" and service / M. Riley. – M.: UNITY-DANA,2017.- 191 p.
9. Uzakhova, L. M. personnel Management: textbook/ L. M Uzakhova.- Tyumen.- Publishing house of the Tyumen state University, 2018, pp. 262-265
10. Difonzo, Nicholas & Bordia, P. Rumor in organizational contexts. Advances in Social and Organizational Psychology: A Tribute to Ralph Rosnow/ Difonzo, Nicholas & Bordia,P, 2006.- P. 249-274. 10.4324/9781410617446.
11. Gorbatov D. S. The functions of rumors in the social environment // Scientific notes of the Saint Petersburg state Institute of psychology and social work. 2014. No. 1. P. 17-22.
12. Michelson, Grant & Mouly, Suchitra. Rumour and gossip in organisations: A conceptual study/ Michelson, Grant & Mouly, Suchitra - Management Decision - MANAGE DECISION, 2018. - №38. – P. 339-346. 10.1108/00251740010340508.
13. Managing HR through COVID-19 A Practical Guide for Multinational Employers: A Practical Guide for Multinational Employers/ Brown Mayer, 2020.- Issue 7. - https://www.mayerbrown.com/-/media/files/perspectives-events/publications/2020/03/managing-hr-through-covid19.pdfMayer
14. Encyclopedia.com: Official website [Electronic Resource] / Rumors. -2010-2020. – Electronic Data. – Access Mode: https://www.encyclopedia.com/social-sciences/applied-and-social-sciences-magazines/rumors (accessed: 15.10.2020)
15. HH.ru: Official website [Electronic Resource] / Rumors. - 2015-2020. – Electronic Data. – Access Mode: https://hh.ru/article/2148 (accessed: 18.10.2020)
16. Huron: Official website [Electronic Resource] / Stop downsizing rumor -2007-2020. – Electronic Data. – Access Mode: https://www.studergroup.com/hardwired-results/hardwired-results-13/downsizing-stop-the-rumor-mill-today (accessed: 18.10.2020)
17. Psychology: Official website [Electronic Resource] / Rumors. - 2014-2020. – Electronic Data. – Access Mode: http://psychology.iresearchnet.com/social-psychology/group/rumors/ (accessed: 15.10.2020)
18. Psyfactor: Official website [Electronic Resource] / Psychology or Rumors. -2001-2020. – Electronic Data. – Access Mode: https://psyfactor.org/lib/rumours5.htm (accessed: 14.10.2020)
19. Psyfactor: Official website [Electronic Resource] / Spreading of rumors. -2001-2020. – Electronic Data. – Access Mode: https://psyfactor.org/lib/rumours5.htm (accessed: 14.10.2020)
20. ThePresentation: Official website [Electronic Resource] / Psychology of rumor and gossip. -2007-2020. – Electronic Data. – Access Mode: https://thepresentation.ru/filosofiya/psihologiya-liderstva-psihologiya-sluhov-i-spleten (accessed: 18.10.2020)
21. TopPersonal.ru: Official website [Electronic Resource] / Rumors.- 2014-2020. – Electronic Data. – Access Modehttps://www.top-personal.ru/issue.html?4505 : (accessed: 18.10.2020)
22. VerywellFamily: Official website [Electronic Resource] / Understanding the Impact of Rumors and Gossip. -2016-2020. – Electronic Data. – Access Mode: https://www.verywellfamily.com/understanding-the-impact-of-rumors-and-gossip-460625 (accessed: 14.10.2020)
23. what-when-how: Official website [Electronic Resource] / Rumors (Social Science). -2001-2020. – Electronic Data. – Access Mode: http://what-when-how.com/social-sciences/rumors-social-science/ (accessed: 15.10.2020)

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Фрагменты работ

In any organization, there are two types of communication — formal and informal. Formal communication is used to transmit messages that are recognized as official in the organization. These messages are most often written and transmitted through vertical channels. However, among all types of intra-organizational communications, informal relationships occupy a special place. These include myths, legends, traditions, rituals, and rumors.
Formal and informal communication in the organization are interrelated and complement each other. The more strictly formal channels are controlled, the more intensively informal channels develop. Therefore, it is impossible to ban or eliminate rumors in principle, since any organization has had, has and will continue to have rumors, and this is a normal internal practice.
Therefore, the relevance of this study is that the role of the HR Manager and the entire HR Department in managing informal communications and rumors within the organization is extremely important. Effective management of rumors in the structures of any organization, as well as in a hotel enterprise, will contribute to creating an effective corporate culture, increasing the competitiveness of the organization, but requires special efforts and the use of adequate tools to prevent rumors and mitigate their consequences in the workplace.

Chapter 1. The essence of rumors in HR management 5
1.1The concept and types of rumors 5
1.2 The process of spreading rumors and their consequences in the organization 8
1.3 The functions of rumors and their effects on organizations 13
Chapter 2. The analysis of intra-organizational situations leading to rumors within the hotel enterprise and the role of the HR management 18
2.1 HR management of rumors about appointments to senior positions in hotel companies 18
2.2 Reduction rumors HR management in times of economic hardship and crisis 21
2.3 HR management through Covid-19 rumors 24
Chapter 3. The role of rumors in the personnel management of the hotel enterprise 28
3.1 Human resources management of rumors in the hotel enterprise 28
3.2 Methods of rumor prevention in the management of hotel staff 30
3.3 Recommendations for dealing with rumors among hotel staff 33
References 39
Annex 42

The paper discusses the nature and types of rumors, the process of spreading rumors and their consequences in the organization, the functions of rumors and their effects on the organization. In addition, an analysis of the management of rumors about the replacement of senior positions, about the crisis and reduction, about covid-19 is being carried out. The role of rumors in the management of a hotel enterprise, preventive methods of spreading rumors and recommendations for dealing with rumors are also considered.

ed. and add., Intro. effective from 13.08.2020) The labor code Article 41. Content and structure of the collective agreement
2. "The labor code of the Russian Federation" of 30.12.2001 N 197-FZ (ed. of 31.07.2020) (with ed. and add., Intro. effective from 13.08.2020) The labor code Article 180. Guarantees and compensation to employees in case of liquidation of the organization, reduction of the number or staff of employees of the organization
3. MP guidelines 3.1/2.1.0193-20"recommendations for the prevention of new coronavirus infection (COVID-19) in institutions that provide temporary accommodation (hotels and other accommodation facilities)"(approved by the Federal service for supervision of consumer rights protection and human welfare on June 4, 2020)
4. Borisova, E. G. fundamentals of rumorology. Theory and practice of rumor management [Electronic resource]: Textbook for master's / C. A. Vasilenko, E. G. Borisova. — №3.— Moscow : FLINT, 2019. - P.70-105. — ISBN 978-5-9765-1913-8. — Access Mode: https://rucont.ru/efd/713470 (accessed: 15.10.2020)
5. Ignatyuk, N. A. The Rumors. Management technologies / N. A. Ignatyuk — "Justicinform". – 2018. – P.33-36.- ISBN 978-5-7205-1487-7
6. Lukyanova, T. V., Yurtseva S. I., Konovalova V. G. Personnel Management: theory and practice/ Management of innovations in personnel work: educational and practical guide/ T. V., Lukyanova, S. I., Yartseva, V. G. Konovalova/ ed. by A. Ya. Kibanov. M: The Prospect. - 2018. – P.265
7. Panteleev, A. F. Psychological aspects of rumors and gossips: Student’s Manual / A. F. Panteleev. - Saratov, 2014. – P.32-34.
8. Riley, M. Personnel management in hospitality: Textbook for University students studying in the specialty "Personnel management" and service / M. Riley. – M.: UNITY-DANA,2017.- 191 p.
9. Uzakhova, L. M. personnel Management: textbook/ L. M Uzakhova.- Tyumen.- Publishing house of the Tyumen state University, 2018, pp. 262-265
10. Difonzo, Nicholas & Bordia, P. Rumor in organizational contexts. Advances in Social and Organizational Psychology: A Tribute to Ralph Rosnow/ Difonzo, Nicholas & Bordia,P, 2006.- P. 249-274. 10.4324/9781410617446.
11. Gorbatov D. S. The functions of rumors in the social environment // Scientific notes of the Saint Petersburg state Institute of psychology and social work. 2014. No. 1. P. 17-22.
12. Michelson, Grant & Mouly, Suchitra. Rumour and gossip in organisations: A conceptual study/ Michelson, Grant & Mouly, Suchitra - Management Decision - MANAGE DECISION, 2018. - №38. – P. 339-346. 10.1108/00251740010340508.
13. Managing HR through COVID-19 A Practical Guide for Multinational Employers: A Practical Guide for Multinational Employers/ Brown Mayer, 2020.- Issue 7. - https://www.mayerbrown.com/-/media/files/perspectives-events/publications/2020/03/managing-hr-through-covid19.pdfMayer
14. Encyclopedia.com: Official website [Electronic Resource] / Rumors. -2010-2020. – Electronic Data. – Access Mode: https://www.encyclopedia.com/social-sciences/applied-and-social-sciences-magazines/rumors (accessed: 15.10.2020)
15. HH.ru: Official website [Electronic Resource] / Rumors. - 2015-2020. – Electronic Data. – Access Mode: https://hh.ru/article/2148 (accessed: 18.10.2020)
16. Huron: Official website [Electronic Resource] / Stop downsizing rumor -2007-2020. – Electronic Data. – Access Mode: https://www.studergroup.com/hardwired-results/hardwired-results-13/downsizing-stop-the-rumor-mill-today (accessed: 18.10.2020)
17. Psychology: Official website [Electronic Resource] / Rumors. - 2014-2020. – Electronic Data. – Access Mode: http://psychology.iresearchnet.com/social-psychology/group/rumors/ (accessed: 15.10.2020)
18. Psyfactor: Official website [Electronic Resource] / Psychology or Rumors. -2001-2020. – Electronic Data. – Access Mode: https://psyfactor.org/lib/rumours5.htm (accessed: 14.10.2020)
19. Psyfactor: Official website [Electronic Resource] / Spreading of rumors. -2001-2020. – Electronic Data. – Access Mode: https://psyfactor.org/lib/rumours5.htm (accessed: 14.10.2020)
20. ThePresentation: Official website [Electronic Resource] / Psychology of rumor and gossip. -2007-2020. – Electronic Data. – Access Mode: https://thepresentation.ru/filosofiya/psihologiya-liderstva-psihologiya-sluhov-i-spleten (accessed: 18.10.2020)
21. TopPersonal.ru: Official website [Electronic Resource] / Rumors.- 2014-2020. – Electronic Data. – Access Modehttps://www.top-personal.ru/issue.html?4505 : (accessed: 18.10.2020)
22. VerywellFamily: Official website [Electronic Resource] / Understanding the Impact of Rumors and Gossip. -2016-2020. – Electronic Data. – Access Mode: https://www.verywellfamily.com/understanding-the-impact-of-rumors-and-gossip-460625 (accessed: 14.10.2020)
23. what-when-how: Official website [Electronic Resource] / Rumors (Social Science). -2001-2020. – Electronic Data. – Access Mode: http://what-when-how.com/social-sciences/rumors-social-science/ (accessed: 15.10.2020)

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